Monday, December 5, 2011

2 year Blog Anniversary

     It has been 2 whole years with this blog. I can't believe it. I worked really hard on it. Especially during the Summer.  2011 has been the peak of my blog.  I can't believe the pokemon Forums even commented on my blog saying that I was the third most popular pokemon blog internationally.  Thank you guys for all you comments and support you give me.  You never said anything bad about my blog.  I remember when I just started off and was terrible.  I eventually got better over the years.  To celebrate my 2nd anniversary I decided to open up a Legend of Zelda Blog.  This will be great considering (from all the fain mail I get) many of my viewers love Zelda.  So be expecting a blog of that.  I will probably title it The Rayman Legend of Zelda Blog.  Thank you everybody.  Once I am done constructing it I will put it up on my links to the side.  Again I would like to say Thank you for the support and good feedback.


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