Monday, November 18, 2019

I'm Back

Hello. My name is Abhishek Ray and I created this blog ten years ago so that I could spread my passion for a series I love. Now, as a cynical 20 year old, I confronted with the reality of death. With one foot in the grave as I start to become a dinosaur, I have decided to re-open this blog. This was mostly done out of boredom and because I wanted a creative outlet to vent my thoughts about various topics and issues. I have no clue if this will pan out, but we will see.

The future of this blog won't be as centralized around Pokémon primarily because that isn't really where my passions lie anymore. Rest assured, I still hold the franchise near and dear to my heart and I still follow the series quite closely. This blog will be more centered around a variety of topics ranging from a wide variety of things. This might include things related to nErD culture, comedy, or whatever. I also have a Youtube Channel called "Abhi's Awesome Films." I'll post a link right here if anyone checks it out. One of my passions in life is film-making and it's another outlet in which I express myself in. Unfortunately, making a video is rather time consuming, so I think this blog will be a faster way to express myself.

A short film I made a while back:

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Return of Butterfree? PokéMon Anime News

Hey Guys! I'm here to give some amazing PokéMon anime news. The first episode of PokéMon Season 2 is confirmed to be about Ash thinking about his Butterfree again! If you do not know, Ash's first PokéMon he ever caught was a caterpie. Shortly, it evolved to a metapod and then to a Butterfree. Near the end of the original series, Ash needed to release Butterfree because Butterfree needed to mate and leave him. It was a very emotional moment for Ash and fans of the anime. Before Butterfree left, Ash promised to see Butterfree again. After more than a decade, Ash MAY finally get to see Butterfree once more. Whether or not he will actually take Butterfree on his journey is unknown. I really do not think that Ash will take his Butterfree back. The Butterfree is happy as is and it wouldn't make any sense. Nonetheless, I cannot wait for this episode to air and will definitely watch it!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mewtwo Awakening Form

This is some news regarding the new Pokémon we have been seeing for a long time. Corocoro has released a new poster in the movie. It has also been confirmed that the new Pokémon is not Mewthree. It is another form of Mewtwo. The poster says that mewtwo has awaken and discovered its new shape. I'm still not sure if this is the same mewtwo from the previous Pokémon movies. It more than likely is, as mewtwo is an invention created by Team Rocket. I don't think they had the time OR resources to create another one. This brings me back to one more question regarding the movie. Do you think that the Pokémon clones will make an appearance like they did previously? I highly doubt it, but it would be interesting.

Here are the pictures from Corocoro magazine:

What do you think will happen in the movie regarding mewtwo? Do you want the clones to return? Please tell me in the comments section down below!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pokémon Indigo League Possible Sequel?

      As I was checking out some interesting Pokémon news, I found one that was very interesting. In Japan, as many Pokémon fans know, Ash is finished with the Unova region. He is almost done with it in North America, but no quite yet. Anyways, rather then starting the series from the X and Y region (as that would probably spoil too much of the game for us, since we still have a long time to wait), the anime enters a new region only exclusive to the anime. This isn't really a complete region, but a set of islands called the Decolora Islands. This new series will be known (in Japan) as PokéMon Best Wishes: Season 2 Da! Now I find this very interesting. A few years ago, right before the Johto Pokémon series started, there was a filler season, called Pokémon: Indigo League. Again, most of you guys should already know this. Now the thing about the Indigo islands was that it was never featured in the actual games. It was really an anime exclusive region that was really only two things:

-A filler until Pokémon Gold and Silver released.

-A way to slowly introduce new Pokémon without throwing them at us like Hoenn and Unova did. I'm not counting Sinnoh because the Battle Frontier series slowly introduced more Sinnoh Pokémon to us.

Now the Decolora Islands are a set of islands only exclusive to the anime. My theory is that this series will do something very similarly to what the Indigo Islands did to us. It will act as a filler until Pokémon X and Y are even close to being released and it will also introduce some generation six Pokémon with it. Who know, maybe one of the main characters will even OWN a gen six Pokémon. I am looking forward to seeing some new Pokémon in the anime.

Here is a snapshot of an announcement for this series:

What do you guys think will happen in this series? Do you think that it is a homage to the Indigo series? Tell me what you think in the comments below!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mewthree/New Form Of Mewtwo In Action!

So after yesterday's post about the mysterious new Pokemon, some brand new footage of this Pokemon in action has been announced! There hasn't been much more information released about it. This was mainly to show off the Pokemon in Battle. It uses a variety of attacks and has some pretty sweet information. More news regarding this will come in the future hopefully.

Here is the video:

Courtesy of The English Pokemon Youtube Channel for this really awesome footage!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mewthree in the next PokéMon Movie?

Oh my goodness! It has been a very long time since I last posted. I missed out on SOOOO much Pokemon news. But now, I am back and I am going to show you a photo very interesting. As many pokemon fans know, a new pokemon movie will be airing in Japan. This movie features extremespeed genesect and even has Mewtwo make a comeback from his beloved movies (although we still don't know if it the same one). CoroCoro has recently released an image that really sparks my attention.

Here it is:

If you look at the top-left corner of the page, you can see a new pokemon. It appears to have a great resemblance to mewtwo only it appears to be smaller in size and LESS hostile-looking. Again, nothing is confirmed at this point, so it could be bigger and more hostile than mewtwo. There are really two possibilities as to what this pokemon is. It could either be a new form of mewtwo (which would make sense as another form of genesect is featured in the movie) or it could very well be Mewthree. Mewthree has been fabled in MANY pokemon fanfics and romhacks. Mewthree could be a generation 6 pokemon. My hopes are very high for this pokemon, but It could just be another form of mewtwo. What do you guys think of this pokemon? Tell me in the comments down below!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pokemon White 2 Team

Hey Guys! I will be telling you guys about my progress in pokemon white 2 just like I did last time.  I am making super-slow progress maybe because I have only been playing it once a week. I have two gym badges. I am pleased with my pokemon team. I have won every single battle so far. I have only been playing  it fifteen minutes at a time.  Here is my team so far:

Servine named Slyfoe

Riolu named Baws

Magneton named Lucifer

Zubat named It is so long that I can't remember it.

Growlithe named Besta



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