Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pokémon Indigo League Possible Sequel?

      As I was checking out some interesting Pokémon news, I found one that was very interesting. In Japan, as many Pokémon fans know, Ash is finished with the Unova region. He is almost done with it in North America, but no quite yet. Anyways, rather then starting the series from the X and Y region (as that would probably spoil too much of the game for us, since we still have a long time to wait), the anime enters a new region only exclusive to the anime. This isn't really a complete region, but a set of islands called the Decolora Islands. This new series will be known (in Japan) as PokéMon Best Wishes: Season 2 Da! Now I find this very interesting. A few years ago, right before the Johto Pokémon series started, there was a filler season, called Pokémon: Indigo League. Again, most of you guys should already know this. Now the thing about the Indigo islands was that it was never featured in the actual games. It was really an anime exclusive region that was really only two things:

-A filler until Pokémon Gold and Silver released.

-A way to slowly introduce new Pokémon without throwing them at us like Hoenn and Unova did. I'm not counting Sinnoh because the Battle Frontier series slowly introduced more Sinnoh Pokémon to us.

Now the Decolora Islands are a set of islands only exclusive to the anime. My theory is that this series will do something very similarly to what the Indigo Islands did to us. It will act as a filler until Pokémon X and Y are even close to being released and it will also introduce some generation six Pokémon with it. Who know, maybe one of the main characters will even OWN a gen six Pokémon. I am looking forward to seeing some new Pokémon in the anime.

Here is a snapshot of an announcement for this series:

What do you guys think will happen in this series? Do you think that it is a homage to the Indigo series? Tell me what you think in the comments below!

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