Friday, February 5, 2010


Ello!!!! I created a new pokemon. It is the pre-evolution of riolu. By the way I forgot to tell you the evolution chain for Buiflo. It is the pre-evolution form of buizel then evolves to Floatzel. Anyways, without further ado I give you Raura


Evolution chain: Raura-Riolu-Lucario

type: steel

possible moves: Dig, iron tail, scratch,screech,growl,pound,cut,charm,tailwip,strenght- special egg move: Aura beam, volt tackle, phsyco blast. zap cannon.

Description: Raura senses prey using its Aura. When the pokemon senses it, Raura sends its Aura to the prey. Then when the pokemon is paralysed Raura stikes it. After its meal is finished, Raura takes the Aura back.

That is it. I mixed up two pokemon. can you guess what it is?


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